DEMMITT -- Residents from across the Peace Region and Northwest Alberta took part in an ‘Axe the Tax’ rally at the Demmitt Scales today.

A large crowd of protestors called for the reversal of the federal government’s 23 per cent increase to the carbon tax with many saying they simply can’t afford another hike.

“I’m really worried about my children, I have two boys and a granddaughter and I’m really worried about their future,” said one of the attendees.

The B.C. government says its carbon pricing system is necessary to cut down emissions and reach a net zero target by 2050.

The increase will see the price of carbon go from 65 to 80 dollars per tonne on carbon emissions, translating into an extra 3.3 cents on a litre of gasoline, 4.01 cents on diesel, 2.3 cents for a litre of propane, and 2.9 cents per cubic metre of natural gas.

“We need to get back to the happy Canada that we know and give our children, grandchildren, and future generations a chance instead of turning us into a third world country," said another protestor.

B.C. Premier David Eby rejected calls from Conservative leader Pierre Poilevre to oppose the increase, with Eby calling Poilievre’s push a ‘baloney factory’ campaign tactic to rile up his base, and says British Colombian’s will end up with more money in their pockets.

Hannah Townsend, one of the organizers facilitating demonstrators from Fort St. John, says that although there will be an increase to the province’s quarterly climate incentive payments, it still isn’t enough.

“I've seen clips of them justifying that 16 or 1800 dollars is enough for a family of four, when two individuals living in a household without kids couldn't make that work," said Townsend.

She is encouraging residents who are opposed to the increase who couldn’t make it to today’s rally to write letters to their local members of parliament.

“Unity has got power and we’ve got more than one voice here, so how loud is one voice compared to 100?” Asked Townsend.

Horns were blared, chants were raised, and signs proclaiming “Axe the Tax’, ‘Taxed into poverty’, and ‘Enough is enough’ were waved to passerby over the course of the hours long protest.

A small RCMP presence was also on-site to ensure demonstrators were not blocking the roadway, and that truck traffic could easily flow through the scales.

Jordan Kealy is a farmer and conservative candidate in Peace River North, who told CJDC-TV that there needs to be a better solution to carbon pricing that takes into consideration the unique needs of Northern B.C.

“I can’t think of a single thing this government is doing with my carbon tax money to actually help the environment,” said Kealy.

A carbon tax has been in place in the province since 2008 with residents qualifying based on income.

Currently, only a third of people in British Columbia actually see those rebates.

“Our government needs to start listening to its people,” said Kealy.