VICTORIA -- BC United Leader Kevin Falcon announcing a shuffle to his cabinet today that will see both Peace River MLAs designated new roles in addition to their current titles.

Peace River North MLA Dan Davies has been named Shadow Minister for Education, while continuing to serve as the Shadow Minister for Rural and Social Development, and Poverty Reduction.

“Ensuring the success of future generations is a key duty of any government but unfortunately, after seven years of the NDP, we’ve seen only more overcrowded classrooms and declining literacy rates,” said Davies.

Davies adds that he will work with parents, educators, and students to address challenges in B.C. classrooms.

According to the B.C. Teachers' Federation, teacher shortages continue to impact classrooms province-wide, sparking an advertising campaign by the Federation last month to raise awareness on the issue.

Falcon also announced Mike Bernier, the current Shadow Minister for Forests, will see his duties expanded to include the role of Shadow Minister for Water, Land, and Resource Stewardship.

“The NDP have repeatedly shown their disregard for public consultation and scrutiny in land use decisions, and we will continue to hold David Eby and his government accountable on these important issues,” said the MLA for Peace River South.

Bernier adds that there are critical issues surrounding water, land, and resource management and he will hold the NDP accountable for all British Columbians when it comes to decisions about public lands, while fostering partnerships with First Nation communities, stakeholders, and landowners.

Former provincial cabinet minister Shirley Bond has also been appointed as Shadow Minister for Mental Health and Addiction.

The decision comes after Elenore Sturko defected to the rival Conservative party earlier this month.

The BC United are promising transparency, accountability, and inclusion when MLAs are tasked with critiquing the NDP government on policy decisions.