DAWSON CREEK -- A new All-Wheels Bike Park is now under construction in Dawson Creek. Mayor Darcy Dober joinedthe President of the South Peace Mile 0 Park Society, Alex Reschny, for a groundbreaking ceremony at Rotary Recreational Park Wednesday morning.
“I didn’t know this was going to be part of my retirement life,” Reschny told CJDC.
The idea came from Dawson Creek resident Tyler Jones and his wife. They were making many trips to Tumbler Ridge to visit the pump track there. They started to notice how many families were making the trip from Dawson Creek to Tumbler Ridge for the same reason. Once they shared their idea, the vision only grew from there.
“I didn’t think it was going to be this big,” said Jones.
The track will include separate adult and kids pump tracks, and a skills development course. It will be a looped circuit. Anyone with a bike, scooter, skateboard or even a wheelchair can use the track. However, no motorized vehicles can be used.
The project is expected to be completed next spring when it will be turned over to the city.