It’s not just humans who are feeling the heat. The SPCA is reminding pet owners to keep their pets safe during this heat wave.

If you are outside with your dog in the heat, watch for signs of distress, like lethargy and heavy panting. The SPCA also recommends walking dogs in the early morning or late evening, when the pavement isn’t as hot.

The organization also reminds owners to never leave your dog in the car, even for short periods of time. It can cause them to go into heat stroke or cardiac arrest very quickly.

It’s also recommended to keep your pet indoors during the hottest parts of the day, which is typically the late afternoon to early evening. Closing your blinds and turning on fans or air-conditioning helps to keep temperatures manageable.

If you have a backyard, another option is to let your dog play in some cool water in a kiddie pool. You can also give them ice cubes to cool down. 

With files from CTV's Scott Weston.