FORT ST,. JOHN, B.C. -- It could’ve happened to any kid anywhere in Canada.  

A spring break tobogganing accident has left Fort St. John’s Tegan Nielsen in hospital for the past three months. During an accident at Powder King, the 14 year old suffered spinal cord injuries that have left her living in a wheel chair.

Jason Gill was at the ski hill on the tragic day. His daughter, and friend to Tegan, was by her side when he arrived on scene.

Now, Gill is part of the Wheels for Tegan fundraiser which hopes to give $100,000 to the family. It aims to help the Nielsen's adapt to Tegan’s new accessibility needs like a transport vehicle.

"It's just the right thing to be doing,” Gill said

A sentiment shared by fellow organizer Tammy Koponyas.

“We all have a personal connection with the family to do what we can do.”

Both are part of an ongoing effort to help with the financial strain.

The Wheels for Tegan fundraiser is scheduled for 6:30 PM on Saturday at the Pomeory Hotel and Conference Centre. The auction will feature live music from The Montney Coulees and The Roadside Distractions.

Around 60 per cent of tickets for the event have been sold as of Wednesday morning. Donated prizes like a $2500 flight voucher, NHL hockey jerseys and local art are up for grabs.

 "It's something that we need to be doing and fortunately for our community, once again, has been outstanding with support," Koponyas said.

Gill echoed the thank you to everyone who has supported so far while he noted Tegan's story is an exmaple how fast life can change. 

"But to know a young girl 14 years of age and that life changes for her and her family.” said Gill who added “It hits very close to home." 

You can find more information on Facebook and purcahse tickets here.