TAYLOR -- People from across the Peace Region gathered at the District Ice Centre for the 2024 Spirt of the Peace Pow Wow in Taylor this weekend.

The Indigenous celebration saw members of the Doig River, Prophet River First Nations, and spectators come together to watch as teams competed in drumming and dance competitions.

Junior, teen, adult, and elder categories showcased traditional dress as they competed for cash prizes in the arena.

The event was emceed by Indigenous actor Stan Isadore and Devin Bellerose of the Prophet River First Nation.

The gathering recognizes the traditions and richness of Indigenous culture through dancing and singing.

There was also an array of food, clothing, merchandise, and craft vendors at the event that strictly prohibited the use of alcohol and drugs.

The annual event is held every June and first launched in 2006, marking its 17th year.

Admission for the event was free but donations going towards next year’s event were accepted.

In March, the District established a Land Acknowledgment Committee to better understand the history of Indigenous peoples' in Taylor.