CHETWYND -- For the 12th time this year, residents of Chetwynd have been forced to endure a hospital diversion.

Northern Health announcing that once again the emergency room at the Chetwynd Hospital was closed due to chronic staffing shortages.

The emergency room wad closed from Thursday at 5 pm until Friday at 8 am.

Northern Health said the latest closure was due to a shortage of physicians. The staffing shortage has plagued Northern Health for the past 3 years with no solution in sight.

It’s the second time this week that the hospital has been on diversion.

Two weeks ago, CJDC TV News asked BC's Health Minister about his commitment to an independent audit of Northern Health. Adrian Dix wouldn't answer the question directly instead saying, "I am not happy when an emergency room goes down."

The Health Authority told residents of Chetwynd on Thursday that if they need life threatening emergency care to call 9-11, that they would be transported to the nearest available hospital that is over an hour away.